
Crochet Shop

Bouquets Collection

Crochet mini bouquets one stop shop

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daisy bouquet


Look for the best crochet fashion products? A small bundle of hand crocheted flowers present as a lovely brooch pin, will proudly add daily refreshment to your attire.


crochet material kits

Material Kits

These are the entire set of materials recommended in my patterns. More often I have more color options than what patterns suggest. If you require odd threads or tools rather than the whole set, you can visit Threads or Tools section.


shop threads featured


The threads shop has a large range of threads and yarns of various quality: cotton, flax/linen, wool or blend, nylon, etc. We are also constantly looking for new and unique threads to meet any special requirements in your making process.


choose the right hook tulip blue


We source the most useful and affordable tools for crochet far and wide. Sometimes we are lucky to get rare finds hopefully are the ones you are waiting for.


New Arrivals

I have the great pleasure to work with some talented textile artists at times and thoroughly enjoyed our conversations regarding innovative small scale productions. I also get to experiment their new range of threads and provide feedbacks. I’d like to take the opportunity to introduce these new products to my fellow crocheters in this space. I hope that you found them helpful in your designs.

Need help in choosing the right materials?


You don’t need a lot of tools to get started but appropriate tools will most definitely help in achieving better results, particularly miniature crochet. If you couldn’t get the ideal finish of your piece but worked your way according to the patterns, you can review the tools you are using: crochet hooks, thread sizes & made and other tools, like the ones helping to get the precisions, or the ones helping to shape up crochet parts. Let me know if you’ve got any questions.

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Floral Crochet