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Miniature Crochet Pros & Cons

Miniature Crochet Pros and Cons

author miniature crochet pros and cons


Hi! I’m Bing. I am a fine jewelry designer living in Melbourne, Australia. My making journey started when I was 12. Crochet, knitting, sewing, embroidery, wire and bead work, carving, drawing…

Making is a big part of my life. Not only it provides a sense of achievement but also a process of discovery. Working with metals is fascinating. But working with threads provides me a different arena to play with soft constructions. I constantly study how to apply colors to projects; how to present texture; how to improve durability; how to feel good when touch…so to discover the true beauty of pure thread art. Another challenge I wish to conquer is how to simplify the process. There are always better ways to make! Here I am, to share and to learn alongside you.

crochet basics mini series #5

Miniature crochet has obvious pros and cons comparing to general crochet. Whether you’d like to take it up as a hobby, or a handmade business adventure, learning the differences at the beginning will not only get you the right tools and materials, but also a well prepared mind for the challenges.

What is miniature crochet?

The definition for miniature is “small of its kind”, “smaller than normal”, “small replica”, “on a small scale”… There isn’t an absolute division of miniature to other small objects. It can be anything small in finished size; anything scaled down from real size; anything requires the use of thin threads or tiny hooks. Some of the flowers I made were very close to actual size but they are still miniatures. Not only the entire bouquet is the size of a pin on the lapel, but also a handmade art project in this scale would easily fit in this category.

Personally, I found as soon as you started miniature crochet, it’s very hard to switch back to general crochet. Yes, it’s like a one-way road! It is especially so if you are making to sell. However it definitely doesn’t fit everyone. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons.

miniature crochet dolls


essential skills 2 crochet tension

1.     Fast to see result

Generally miniature crochet takes less time to finish than say, a crochet jumper or a granny square blanket. As a maker, a substantial part of the joy is to see your project finishing. It is very rewarding in this instance that you do find a smaller project finishes quicker. The sense of achievement is almost instant!

2.     High in demand as fashion items

Miniature crochet are popular fashion accessories. There are more and more emerging talents supplying fabulously designed products to the market. Another significant reason is that crochet is one of few traditional making techniques irreplaceable by machine.  We are in a great era where handmade products are highly recognized and sought after. There’s no better time than now for those who are passionate about making to shine!

3. Great choice for presents

For the creative individuals who are living a busy life, a miniature crochet item can be a great way to show love and care to friends and families. They are 100% unique and totally manageable even with a tight schedule.

4. Less repeating work

I am definitely someone who’s eager to try something new every day! Even I like to make same flower in different colors, I usually start new in between. Miniature crochet makes it all possible. Every flower is distinctive. You get to enjoy a vast variety of shapes and colors of your choice.

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adorable, animal, beautiful-5060962.jpg

5. Details become rewarding

When you get into the miniature world, you will be attracted to the details you wouldn’t otherwise come across. You will work relentlessly to able to present in a refined manner. This quality is very rewarding in many ways. Not only you become confident with your ability of making amazing works, but also you would hold on that standard and apply to many other areas in life.

6. Easy access

These projects are so small, you can literally take your work with you anywhere. For a period of time every Saturday I drove the kids to school for a 3-hour lesson. It was a full 3-hour work in my car. Any time fractions can be productive when you work on crochet. Not many other jobs provide such flexibility.

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miniature crochet pros and cons

7. Economic

High quality embroidery threads can be expensive especially you are buying retail price. Specialty threads are even more so. However we are really talking about a handful skeins for a small project. This makes miniature crochet very affordable to everyone.

8. Low-cost business or “side hustle”

Further to point 7, I’d like to elaborate that finely made miniature art works don’t consume a lot of materials but can demand very high price. Crochet mini bouquets have an average price tag of US$50. Still buyers do not find enough supplies on the market globally.


1.  Hard to maneuver

You may need an initial period of time to get used to it. This includes small sized hooks and thin threads. The right amount of tension is critical in miniature crochet. When the thread work is so small, errors are often irreversible and visually prominent.

2.  3D techniques

Miniature projects are 3 dimensional. Planning a 3D crochet is different in terms of stitch designs to a flat item. In some cases ancillary tools and materials are required.

3.  Patience

You are only given a small arena to create details. Successful outcomes aren’t always guaranteed. There are quite a few trials and errors. Each of my successful project usually left me with many unused parts. When you work on miniatures small errors are a lot more visible than general crochet. You have to take the time to get every stitch right.

4. Fatigue

Crochet a larger item can be more relaxing. I can take my eyes off my work to talk to someone or watch a TV program without stopping. This will not happen in miniature crochet. It’s a constant concentration and staring at those tiny holes. Your muscles are tightened without you noticing. Work over a long period of time can cause blurry vision and muscle aches. It can be managed by a reminder on every 15-30 minutes to either change body position or perform a different task.

pros and cons


Personally, I find miniature crochet more enjoyable than general crochet. On top of it you can always choose your own specialty. Because I am such a floral and accessory lover, miniature flower bouquets become a natural option for me. If you are not sure whether this is your “thing”, it does no harm to have a try. Check out my beginner patterns down the page to get started. I have also written many advanced topics which you can come back for if you find useful anytime. I’d love to see you succeed!


  1. How to crochet natural curves
  2. How to manage shapes
  3. How to crochet textures
  4. Understand structures
  5. How to manage color variations
  6. Art of arrangements
  7. Crochet threads selection
  8. Crochet treatments and finishing
  9. How to estimate cost of crochet projects
  10. How to crochet a bell shape
  11. How to crochet frills
  12. How to use recycled materials
  13. Crochet packaging design


1. Daisy (Level 3)

[Daisy Crochet Pattern] buy it now

[Daisy Step by Step Video Tutorial] buy it now

Daisy has a simple structure but impactful appearance. They will bring a lot of joy to you as a beginner project. Starting from something like this you will build up your confidence undoubtedly.

crochet daisy
daisy pattern
daisy bouquet
2. Dandelion Flower (Level 1)

[Dandelion Flower Crochet Pattern] download here

[Dandelion Flower Step by Step Video Tutorial] download here

Wild flowers tend to take the formation of repetition. Dandelion flower, like its famous “sibling” the dandelion, is an excellent example. Rather than a challenge for crochet skills, it’s more of a work of structure. Use the finest thread you could handle for the best result.

3. Lavender (Level 2)

[Lavender Crochet Pattern] buy it now

[Lavender Step by Step Video Tutorial] buy it now

Like the many varieties Lavender has, there are many crochet styles of this romantic flower. This beginner pattern is really simple to follow. The unique color combo and simplicity make it an eye-catching decoration on any blouses.

crochet lavender
lavender pattern
crochet lavender
4. Lily of the valley (Level 3)

[Lily of the Valley Crochet Pattern] buy it now

[Lily of the Valley Step by Step Video Tutorial] buy it now

These adorable tiny blooms are hugely popular amongst crocheters. The best advantage of white flowers is they are the perfect complement to any outfit. You can try out this pattern to practice how to crochet a bell shape. Bell is one of those basic but very useful shapes constantly found in more complicated patterns. 

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