Crochet Pattern – ENGLISH LAVENDER flower bouquet


English lavender is the most delicate variety of all lavenders. In this crochet pattern I explained how to make your crochet lavenders finer. You will also learn how to make thin but sturdy stems especially suitable for this flower. This mini course also covers 3 more styles and the essentials which lead to successful crochet projects.


English Lavender is the first in a series of lavenders I wish to make for a long time! Amongst all varieties English Lavender is the slenderest and has the strongest scent. They are truly elegant to look at and soothing to smell.

I can’t wait to show you how to make these style royalties – ENGLISH LAVENDER, to pin on your clothes, wear on your hair, wrap up as a handmade gift, a wedding boutonniere, or even make to sell!

My crochet patterns always have minimum interruption from other media and focus solely on crochet – no glue, no modeling clay, no dye, no paint, no wrapping tapes, minimal wires… Not only I work to promote pure art of thread but also washability and longevity.

I have been working in the creative industry. This background helped me to critically rethink of my approach to teaching crochet as a genre of arts. I have created a system to transform crochet as a hobby to an art object for resale. I hope that you get inspired from reading my heart-felt passion and hand-drawn patterns.

And, here at I share everything in my mind, be it a crochet idea, a new technique, a travel note, a hand sketch, an emotional spell of finding a new crush (a flower:) … Let’s meet up and have some fun!

[Crochet Pattern – ENGLISH LAVENDER] includes the following chapters:


This mini course is designed to provide you an enriched crochet journey, as well as inspire you for more ideas. I’m confident that following the instructions you will be rewarded with a breathtaking artwork of your own! However if you find reading stitches and diagrams is not your thing, I have conveniently created a step by step video tutorial to cover this demand. You can choose to purchase video tutorial instead, or both. Click this link will take you to the listing for this video.

You get recommendations to this particular flower in this pattern. All flower patterns more or less follow similar making processes. Learning the core knowledge will enable you to create your own designs. I’ve written many articles for these core crochet techniques and concepts. You can access to these resources by clicking here or COURSES menu on the homepage.

I hope you get started with your creative journey very soon. Let me know how you go🧶🧶🧶

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