crochet picot

What’s picot stitch and how to use it?

What’s picot stitch and how to use it?

Picot is a crochet stitch used to create a small spike on an even edge. It is commonly used to decorate a border line. In miniature floral crochet it can be used in more creative ways.

Watch this quick video to see how it is done.

  • Number of chain stitches

In this demo I made a one stitch picot. That means I only crochet one chain stitch for the little bump. You can make 2-stitch picot, 3-stitch picot… to increase the sizes of the bump. In terms of the exact location, some ask, to close the picot, people use different loops. Some prefer to use the loop from the stitch where picot is derived from; some use the first chain of the picot. They don’t make a lot of differences but in some situations one way may suit better than others.

  • How to use picot – a case study

Take the demo as an example I’ll show you how to “perceive” this particular stitch. The picot was used as a tiny point in the middle of a small round leaf. The leaf was about 3 times picot’s length. Anything more than 1 chain stitch is going to alter the shape of the leaf too much. I also closed the picot at the very back of the chain. Because the next stitch is a long double crochet. This way there is almost no gap at all from the previous double crochet.

Having these ideas in mind you will easily work out what and when to apply picot stitches to your project.

crochet picot
  • Picot in your flower design

Picot stitch is more impactful in miniature crochet designs than in general crochet. When design a large crochet piece, like granny square or clothing, there are many stitches and styles can be used for decorative edges. In miniature floral design, picot has particular importance in achieving certain shapes. Take a look at this little florets. Can you tell how many stitches I used for picot?

How do you use picot in your work? Love to hear your thoughts! Check out my other tips and techniques for making realistic crochet flowers.

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Floral Crochet